Saturday, January 28, 2017

My father's shadow

The story goes that my parents thought I was going to be a boy, something about how strong I kicked or my heart rate. My name was going to be Jason--Jay's son. I was born with red hair and blue eyes, just like my dad. But I wasn't a Jason. No matter. I still wanted to be just like him. 

I was my father's shadow. I thought he could do anything, build anything, fix anything. I remember at about age 4 being very angry with my mom because I wanted to marry him and she said he was already taken. Can you imagine?! How insensitive of her! ;) Instead, I grew up and married a Jason, who became a son to him. And Jason shadowed my dad, learning wiring and plumbing and patience. And then we had two kids who would squish into my dad's recliner like I used to and shadow him around the house. They would watch him in his workshop, help him fill the backyard bird feeders or fly kites at the beach with him

We are all so lucky he was ours to shadow. 

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(I love you, dad)


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